Wednesday, March 19, 2008

what we feel sorry for

what thing do you feel sorry for? who has the strangest one? post what your strange feel sorry for thing is and then read what others have to say and if you want you can comment on what someone else has said. we will see the top.... 10 strangest ones. if you want you can make up strange things you feel sorry for but you have to say that your pretending.good luck! post away!!!!!!

desiree ryan

today a lady from the hamilton city council came into our class. she talked to us about what her job is and what she does in her job, how we could promote hamilton and some of the bad points of hamilton and how we could improve it!
some of the bad points we thought were......
all the shops on the river side were facing away from the river therefore people wouldnt see and use the river as much as we should even though it is one of hamiltons main icons.
we are polluting, making dirty, and wrecking the waikato river by dumping rubbish into, spitting in it and dumping chemicals and nasty things into the river. we should try and stop people doing that because by people doing that people then thing the river is disgusting and don't swim in it, walk by it, enjoy the view of the river etc etc.
there are to many gangs hanging around the river and threatening to 'bash' people. a litrle 8 year old kid came up and said to my teacher Mr Woody "you wanna bash"? thats what little kids will do if they see big kids doing gang stuff.
then we talked about how we could promote the positive things about Hamilton and how to fix the negative things.
we said we could promote the hamilton river by maybe having gondala rides going down and up the river so people could have a cool view of it. but if we did mdo that we wouldn't make an exact copy of the ones in rotorua like we did with the fountain but we would make our own original halmiltonian ones that we would be recognised for.
we could also have submarine rides going under the waikato river kind of like an underwater waipa delta.
and lastly of all we should improve and spice up the waipa delta to make it more modern! i think that more people would go on it if it was flasher, better food, more safe for oldies (grandma and grampa's) and a little bit more entertainment instead of having to entertain yourself.
to fix the graffeti we also came up with the idea to choose a huge ugly brick wall like I mean massive and let creative and sensible graffeti be on that wall. I suggested we made the wintec wall, that huge wall thats by garden place, we made that the graffeti wall!
what do you guys think hamilton needs to improve on, how could we promote something and some bad things that people do in hamilton eg- graffeti, tagging, making gangs and threatening to 'bash'. please comment

Sunday, March 16, 2008

to much graffiti in hamilton!

im doing one of my hamiltON project on graffiti. I think there is to much in hamilton. here is something I did about graffiti.
where do people graffiti?
-on playgrounds
-on the environment
-down alleyways, in between shops
-skate board parks
-in car parks
-on gates and fences of other peoples houses
-on trains and other ways of transport
- at bus stops where people have to wait

Why do people graffiti?
-they think its cool and that they will be popular if they do it
-to mark their territory that they think is their own
-because they are angry at someone
-they think that they aren't being treated fairly
-they think they can just get away with it
If you graffiti, what are the good sides to it?
-if you get caught you could get on tv
-people would make a big fuss over you
-if you got away you would feel proud for not being caught and want to do it again
-if the cops asked you why you did it you could have a fair chance to stand up for yourself and say why you graffited
How does it affect people who dont graffiti?
-kids like to play on playgrounds and evben though little kids cant see what it says but some graffeti has pictures and big kids can read so they might see rude swear words and other rude writing.
How could we fix or prevent graffiti?
-we could have more clean up graffiti days like we have had recently
-have a place where people are allowed to do sensible graffeti. a big wall or something
-sell water based spray cans that come off in the rain.
there is a new type of tagging and people get scissors and scratch in shop windows which costs heaps to replace.
my group is going to visit places where there is loots of graffiti like the skateboard park next to farfield primary and intermediate.
ham west school playground
we are going to take pictures of all the graffiti and talk to a hamilton city councillor to see if there is anything else we could do to STOP people doing graffiti.